The end of a semester is bittersweet. Always. Especially this one. Forget about school. If you thought that's what I was going to write about, I'm pretty sure you don't know me. At all.
It feels like every couple of months, everyone in Provo reaches a pivotal moment in his or her life. This is another one of those. Some of my friends are graduating, some of them are going away for internships. Some of the people I care the most about are actually leaving, but even more distressing...
some of them are already gone. As far as friendships go anyway. I don't know what causes someone to abandon a friend, but when it happens, regardless of the circumstance, it's unsettling. Nobody likes to be left behind. Nobody wants to be hurt, and everyone needs to know that somewhere there is someone who cares about them.
I've been reading an outstanding book...and Stephenie Meyers is my hero. Stay tuned for my ramblings and thoughts on teenage love.
6 months ago
well child, there are only two certainties in life: DEATH & TAXES. I'm not a fan of either, but friends who abandoned weren't really friends in the first place and since you can't/won't say it I will, Fuck 'em, hell I might hahah lollerskates, its late, stop whining so much and be a man, punch someone in the face, like the rock 'em-sock 'em runner-up I know you are.
A, you might want to edit your comments section! Stephanie Meyers truly nails teenage love, from a girls perspective doesn't she! It's, well... AMAZING!
well adrienne...i know it's not easy getting used to peeps leaving your life, but that's just part of life. i've had so many people move in and out of mine, especially since we've joined the church, and i just try to remember the blessings we share while we have the time to be together. we all move through the lives of many people and touch them in ways we do not realize and at times you will be the one that does the leaving. just try not to take it personally.
ps. i know...i need to get to work on that testimony for you! i'll send it soon, promise!
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