I haven't written a quality blog post in quite some time, and I figure since I'm home sick from church today, I could stand to get my thoughts out.
First, my everyday heroes...volume two:
She's 4, and her name is Olivia. Olivia is one of the most beautiful inspiring people I have ever met. In the scriptures, we read that we should become as a child, "Submissive, meek, humble, patient..." and she's the most pure example of that that I think I have ever met. With a spirit that shines through her big smiling eyes, and a kindness that I have rarely seen matched, Olivia teaches me that there's a purity that we can still have, even in this horribly dreary world. When I start to think that there's not any peace left in this life, she smiles really big and tells me a story, and suddenly there's nothing left in the world to harm me.
(I really hope her mom won't mind when someday I have a daughter named after her!)
I've decided to make it my personal goal to make my prayers more meaningful, and thought I'd share some of my ideas here.
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that our Heavenly Father has a body, and that he loves us. As a result of this belief that we are somewhat like Him, I feel like it is more possible to approach Him. Sometimes I feel like my prayers won't extend beyond the ceiling, and that I'm stuck here.
Perhaps it's because I won't let Him in.
So I've started thinking, how much more meaningful would my prayers be if I could picture Him smiling as I approach him; his eyes wrinkling into a grin? How much more connected to my Father could I feel, if I knew His forehead was creasing in concern as I pour out my sorrows? I'm not the most spiritual person in the world, but what if I could curl up in His lap, and feel his arms pulling me in tightly as I counsel with him about the issues that I face from day to day? I'd love to see His eyes brighten as He realizes I've finally grasped a concept that He's been hoping I would learn.
Just a thought, I guess. I'll keep working on it. What do you do to make your prayers more meaningful?
6 months ago